Does God still heal? - Wedding and Lifestyle

Does God still heal?

Does God still heal?

By Natalie le Roux
For some time now, I have found myself pondering numerous aspects of God, the church, faith, healing, and essentially everything related to the Divine.
Over the past ten years I’ve seen God move in mighty ways. I’ve delivered accurate prophetic words, which could not have come from any other source apart from the Holy Spirit. I’ve ministered in churches, at schools, in every shop I set afoot, and I know the Bible. I’ve spent so many of my days praying for the sick and giving people hope.
Then, a few incidents happened over time. Incidents that involved people who proverbially walked with their Bibles clenched tightly underneath their arms. People who claimed to be the cream of the crop when it comes to God, Christianity, ministry, and everything else related to it. I admired some of those people for their faith in the Lord, for how they spoke with authority, and how people got healed when they prayed, but when I got to know them personally, the story started changing drastically and I found myself questioning my faith. 
During that time, I also battled with postnatal depression. That made me question my faith even more. I’m married to this handsome doctor, we have the most beautiful little miracle baby, and I am privileged to stay home to raise her, yet I still felt so empty.
So, I entered a 21-day period of fasting. I deactivated my Facebook account and restrained from eating comfort foods. I had a detailed discussion with God, and it went something like this: Lord, I want to see You in all Your power and Your love. Just You. No playing church. No pretence. No human opinion, no teaching, no reading – only the Godhead manifested. I need You to take away every single lie I believe about both You and myself. I need to know if You really operate as the Bible says, so please show me, because currently I’m so confused. I’m tired of praying for people, then some get healed while others don’t – and then people tell me that the time isn’t right, or God knows best – yet the Bible says that You healed them all. I’m going to cut myself off from the influence of other people, and I’m not even going to tell my mom (with whom I share everything with) that I entered this period of fasting. Come and do something to take away my doubt forever. Please?
After my lengthy, one-sided conversation, I saw that the refrigerator wasn’t working anymore, so I told my husband that I would phone someone to come fix it the next day.
That following day I went to Spirt Fitness, a women’s meeting that takes place at Engedi Manor every Tuesday morning, with my friend, Annatjie. Sandra, our group leader, started speaking about the exact thing I’ve been pondering on. “It saddens me that we pray for people to get healed, yet we send them home not healed,” she said. Yes! I said loudly, wanting everyone to hear my disbelief.
Suddenly I heard the Holy Spirit speak into my heart. “Just trust Me and pray for whomever I send your way.”
After the meeting Annatjie and I were standing in my kitchen, waiting for the technician to come and fix my refrigerator. Again, I heard Holy Spirit say clearly: “It’s only the gas, no major issue.” 
The technician walked in, whilst listening to a podcast on his cell phone. Even though I didn’t understand his language, I knew that it was about something religious. After the inspection he delivered his verdict.

“No gas, Ma’am. I will replace this pipe and put in some gas.”

I told him to proceed. When he was done, he battled to get back up on his feet.

“I have had back pain for a while now, but today it’s worse.” I could hear the pain in his voice.

What religion are you?

Muslim. You?”

May I pray for you? May I put my hand on your back?


I put my hand on his back, and with my baby on my hip, I said: Jesus, I am not sure about much at this stage anymore, but I do know that You are the Healer. Thank you for healing this man’s back.

He gasped for air and shouted: “My back is better. It really is better! I can even bend!”

Praise God, I proclaimed.

“Yes, praise God!”

I walked with him to his vehicle. After he loaded his tools onto the back of his bakkie, he turned toward me again.

“I feel no pain. Thank you so much.”

I never received a bill for my refrigerator. And this happened on the second day of my fasting journey with Jesus…
Does God still heal?

What’s behind your smile?

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