Business - Wedding and Lifestyle

10 Tips for Building a Kingdom Business or Ministry

10 Tips for Building a Kingdom Business or Ministry by Pearlina Simmons (shortened – for full article follow) Full Article Click Here The bible is full of good insight for running or growing a business. Believers who embrace Godly principles have the opportunity to shine a​s a light in a sphere of influence most often […]

From Passion to Profit – Part 2

From Passion to Profit – Part 2 By Brett Florence So, how do I make my work and myself attractive to my target market? I can only speak from personal experience because I specifically target the high-end market – LSM 8-10, so I will share with you my marketing strategies that have enabled me to […]

From Passion to Profit – Part 1

From Passion to Profit by Brett Florens So, you find yourself with a camera in hand during most of your spare time and you’re the one that your mates rely on to capture all their special moments. You’ve fallen in love with this hobby and hey, you know you’ve got a bit of a knack […]

The secret to setting boundaries in business

The secret to setting boundaries in business By Natasha Vanzetti How good are you at saying “no” and having clear boundaries in your business? With so many things to manage, setting clear boundaries will allow you to eliminate many issues and be far more effective in all that you do.But it isn’t always easy.When you’re […]

Good financial planning for a successful marriage

Good financial planning for a successful marriage By Liberty Money plays an important role in the success of relationships. When it is in scarce supply, it puts pressure on relationships and immense strain on marriages. Before you rush out and blow your budget on expensive dinners and gifts for your loved one, consider the fact […]